Thursday, March 25, 2010

No more burnt toast

If you thought the sedating headgear was a great idea, this takes the cake. Never will you burn your toast again. Actually, you can burn it if you want, but at least you can observe every darkening stage first hand.

I'm not sure how this invention works, or, more importantly, if a bagel will fit into it, but someone should take off with this idea. It is a sleek, no fluff idea that belongs on my kitchen counter. No more losing those thin pieces of bread down into the bottom of the toaster. No more springing toasted projectiles. Move over, toaster oven, this contraption is the wave of the future!

I think that I can even smell an upright grilled cheese sandwich in my future.


Rachelbo said...

Yeah-- two 400 degree glass plates sitting vertically, completely unguarded... sounds perfectly safe and not like a fire hazard at all.

Keren said...

At least if you stick a fork in this you wonʻt die.