Sunday, March 21, 2010


I just read a really good article called "Where do ideas come from" and it got me thinking. Firstly, that there are a million people out there that can write waaay better than me, and secondly, it has given me inspiration that I can actually have a part in creating that "aha" moment.

I already possess all of the elements that can lead to inspired ideas: I'm prepared, pay attention, I'm curious, put in the effort, and latch on to serendipitous moments. My Achilles heal, so to speak, is my Virgo nature. I let my analytical side, or left-brain if you will, get in the way.

Ideas may come, but then I pick them apart and shoot them to bits before they have a chance to fully mature and grow. 

Yikes! A conflict between anatomy, astrology, and psychology. Say it can't be. I think I shall coin a new dysfunction: Astral-physiology Disorder. I've even taken a test to prove this theory: 

Brain Lateralization Test Results
Right Brain (50%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (62%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain

As you can see my left and right brain active sides are almost equal. I'll be searching for a specialist to help me recover from this ailment. Or perhaps acupuncture will help. In any case, I've at least come up with a valid excuse for my inability to be creative. It is amazing that I can even blog.

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