How many in my household? One, plus two dogs I consider my babies, and way too many crawly things. Income? Yes, but not enough. Heritage? Yep, got plenty of that. There. Done with that… and there it sat, on my table for another week. Then I realized there was free postage on that envelope. I scooped it up and dropped it in the mailbox. Finally, a citizen in good standing. I could now say that I helped build schools, playgrounds, hospitals, roads, improved the infrastructure of my community, and left my genealogical footprint.
So, why was there a flyer on my front door yesterday saying that “Michael” had stopped by from the Census Bureau to help me fill out my census? Oh, maybe because in my rush to utilize Federal dollars to mail a letter I forgot to actually place my filled out census form into it!
Oh, my gosh! I love you so totally! I laughed pretty hard when I read this! Thanks for lighting up my day. Love you, Becca
Hey, i laughed 'cause our census sat on the kitchen table for at least 10 days before one of us walked it to the mailbox on the corner. Funny thing- we walk Zuki by this mailbox twice a day.
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