Thursday, May 13, 2010

The straw

Recently, I have been tested to the max. Not in the intellectual or physical sense, but in the psychological and patience sense. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, one more thing happens to test my ability to hold it all together.

I'll have to be careful about how I put this mini-rant because it could happen that the person (people) involved may read about it and I don't want to offend them. In fact, I won't go into details at all, suffice it to say that my life has been a living hell trying to get something accomplished in a timely and efficient way.

I have been made to look the fool by passing along unfulfilled promises, had my hopes lifted only to be dashed lower than they began, and even at the eleventh hour, I have been let down, yet again.

Meanwhile, I dealt with the stress of bringing 20 new field workers into our team, suffered the debilitating  pain of a broken tooth with a root canal, juggled three contractors and got them to work for promises, and now, finally, my back has been broken. Not literally, but in the camel sense. You know, the final straw. 

I'm not sure why I am suffering from a truly sore back, but I am hunched over like a 85 year old floor scrubber. I think my will has caved in and is no longer providing the stamina that my spine needs to stand erect. Beaten down, jaw throbbing, I am no longer able to hold my head up to say, "Yes, I can"! 

I start out thinking that if they can put a man on the moon, surely I can get these things accomplished. But in the end, one little measly straw, one trivial and seemingly unimportant thing rears its ugly head just high enough to quietly whisper in my face, "No, you can't".

Tomorrow is a new day. Work continues. I'll roll out of bed, brush off the straws of yesterday, and start all over again.

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