1. My family moved around a lot when I was a kid. I even went to kindergarden in three different states. I think that this is one reason I find making and keeping friends so difficult.
2. I think that having a sense of humor is more important than just about anything else. Having a sense of humor enables you to look at situations differently.
3. I love music. I love it so much that after years of listening to it with padded "noise-reducing" headphones I have developed tinnitius (a constant and irritating ringing of the ears). It was worth it.
4. I am a grammar and formatting freak. I even put all the proper punctuation into my text messaging. When I have to fill in a digital form, I usually re-format it before I send it back.
5. When I was about 6 years old, on a car trip with my family driving from California to Oregon, I got left behind at a scenic pull-out. It was one of my sisters that noticed that I was missing from the car (the obvious void in the front seat between my Father and Mother). My father had told us all, "DO NOT GET OUT OF THE CAR. IʻM ONLY GOING TO TAKE A PICTURE". After the parental units got out to admire the view, my desire to drink from the nearby water fountain was just too much to ignore. When I was done quenching my thirst, I lifted my head, wiped the dripping water from my chin, and slowly came to realize that the big green station wagon was gone. That formed who I am. I am now a "toe-the-liner" to the max.
6. I am an art appreciator and love creativity. I love those who think "outside the box".
7. Sometimes I will spend an entire day on the weekend in my pajamas tooling around on my computer; learning new programs, surfing the web, reading peopleʻs blogs, etc.
8. I love to read books. Humor, mysteries, fiction, self-help. Just about anything except romance.
9. Murder shows intrigue me. CSI, 48 Hours Mystery, etc. I hate to admit this. It is my dark side. I always come away from watching these shows absolutely amazed at the capacity of humans to totally disregard the sanctity of life. I mean, what kind of person murders their parent/child/ husband/wife?? Or dismembers their victims? Why does it fascinate me so? Humans may be a superior being because of our ability to reason, but we are still just animals by nature.
10. I have an opinion about everything. Everything. Thus, a blog? Perhaps.